Tonic Midi

This page is a personal project demonstrating how to build generative music with chord swells, evolving drums, and melodic phrases. It reacts to an external MIDI clock, so press play on a hardware or software sequencer that sends clock, and the patterns will sync up automatically.

Colorful Chord Swell Pattern

This pattern selects a musical scale based on “color” and creates chords that swell into each other. Adjust how long chords last (swellDuration), how they overlap, and how many chord extensions (chordComplexity) are added.

Evolving Drum Pattern

This drum pattern morphs in real time while holding onto a core groove. drumIntensity controls how dense the hits get, and flavor picks the characteristic style.

PhraseContourMelody (Melody on channel 5)

A multi-bar melodic line divided into subSections like “build” or “peak.” You can define how many bars the phrase lasts, steps per bar, and how often “spice” (approach notes) appears. The pattern re-shapes each time it completes a phrase.

Energy Manager Controls

These quick switches alter “hype” (how busy/loud everything is) and “tension” (how dissonant or stable chord/melody structures become). This is a handy shortcut for performing live arrangement changes.

Real-Time LFOs

Add continuous LFO modulation to any MIDI channel, layered on top of your existing patterns. Multiple LFOs can affect the same channel.

Active LFOs:

Arrangement Sweeps / One-Shots

Schedule a single, multi-step sweep (e.g., slowly opening a filter) that starts at the next bar boundary, runs once, and then finishes. Choose a channel, a duration in steps, and a preset.

Queued Sweeps:

Try changing flavors, note durations, chord complexities, or hype/tension levels at any time. I'm continuing to build out new pattern ideas and ways of chaining them together. The goal is a simple browser-based setup that hooks to your hardware via Web MIDI, letting you spontaneously jam evolving tracks without a DAW.